Thursday, January 21, 2010

From The Top....5,6,7,8

This is a very interesting undertaking for me. Ever since I got started in blogland I have had a prodding to start another, more serious blog. Something that speaks about me and my passions outside of my beautiful family. I thought of starting a preparedness blog and then I realized that while I'm doing my best to get my family ready for possible Apocalypse, I don't have a whole lot to say on the subject. Then I came up with the crazy idea of starting a sewing blog. A good idea in theory, but there are already a million of them and compared to everyone else in the blogosphere that has a craft/sewing blog, mine would be nothing to write home about so what would be the point? Plus, while I feel I'm getting good at sewing, I'm not willing to put my work out there to the masses because I know I wouldn't be able to deal with the criticism. Plus, I pretty much copy everything I see so nothing would be new. I thought of a scene from A Beautiful Mind with this quote

Find a truly original idea. It is the only way I will ever distinguish myself.

What I needed was something new, that spoke to me directly. To a piece of me that has been there since the beginning. An idea for a blog that had never been done before. I might be wrong, but I haven't come across a blog that synthesizes dance and faith, the two things that are most important to me outside of my family.

This blog was born out of the desire to show the world that the two can go hand in hand. A dancer or choreographer doesn't have to compromise to create. Faith can and should support the dance and dance can support the faith. A faithful dancer can push the bounderies and keep their standards high.

Dance is a language that is as old as time. Royal courts, slaves, children....they all have used it as a form of deep personal expression. There are numerous references to dancing in the scriptures (I'll touch on those as I go). But too often, I feel that the connection between dance and God is lost.

I went through a specific process in making the decision to start this blog. My husband thinks I spend too much time on the Internet and he's right, so when I felt the inspiration, I brought it before the Lord first. I prayed and asked for confirmation that it was right with the intent that I would make the decision in a week after much prayer and pondering. I didn't tell my husband at first. I didn't tell anyone at first. I promised the Lord that I would only post once a week. If I do anymore than that, it will have to go. I owe that much to my family. It will not overtake my life. But I do have something to say and I want to say it.

Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~Martha Graham


  1. Good luck with this new endevor. Your words speak with passion and a desire to both learn and teach. Again, good luck.

  2. Looking forward to following along with you on this discovery of your self and spirituality!! Many Blessings to you my dear friend! :)

  3. Wow. I was checking the stats on my women in the scriptures blog and found your blog and then found this link. I think this is really a beautiful idea. I totally understand how dance can be a part of your soul and how it can bring you closer to God. I just started dancing again this year, I haven't since my son was born, and it makes me feel more complete. It makes me respect and understand my body and to connect with God on a physical, mental and spiritual level. I can't wait to see what you write!
